Welcome to the branch!

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You just got here on purpose (or not). Well, what's this about?
Exitus Letalis is a multi-game servers branch. We mostly focus on Barotrauma as the main game, but we also occasionally play other games. 
You can get into the discord by clicking the link here. You can get the details about hosting hours etc. there. : 

1 » Please use the respective threads and keep them tidy.  
2 » Be respectful and kind to all members of the community no matter if they are higher or lower than you.
3 » Staff or higher have the final say.
4 » Disrespect is not tolerated at all, doing so will result in punishment.
5 » Scamming and other malicious things are not tolerated, doing so will result in punishment.
6 » Spamming threads is not allowed, doing so will result in punishment.
7 » Do NOT post any kind of pornography, gore etc. ,doing so will result in Permanent ban.
Please be aware that most of these might be subject to change. 

About punishments :
The punishments will be respectable towards what sort of not allowed stuff you did.
Spamming will result in either a kick or a mute, but for example posting gore will result in a perma-ban no matter what it was. 
Exact punishments info to come soon.